Loans and loans for small businesses
Sole proprietorship and micro-enterprise
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Check out Citi Handlowy's wide range of loan products and choose the best one for your company.
What amount do you need?
In how many installments do you want to repay your loan?
First monthly installment
Last monthly installment
Upfront fee
Allocation of a loan and its amount depend on whether the potential borrower’s creditworthiness is positively assessed by Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. The calculations are indicative and are not a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code.
Allocation of a loan and its amount depend on whether the potential borrower’s creditworthiness is positively assessed by Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. The calculations were made with the following assumptions: variable interest rate of 9.35%, including: 3M WIBOR reference rate of 5.85% and margin of 3.50%. The calculations are indicative and are not a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code.
The amount you wish to have at your disposal in your account.
What portion of the assigned limit do you wish to use?
When will you pay the used limit – after how many days?
Upfront fee
Fee on unused limit
Allocation of a loan and its amount depend on whether the potential borrower’s creditworthiness is positively assessed by Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. The calculations are indicative and are not a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code.
Allocation of a loan and its amount depend on whether the potential borrower’s creditworthiness is positively assessed by Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. The calculations were made with the following assumptions: variable interest rate of 9.35%, including: 1M WIBOR reference rate of 5.85% and margin of 3.50%, interest accrued on the used limit for the number of days for which the limit will be used. The calculations are indicative and are not a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code.

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