Google Pay™ Now Available For Citi Handlowy Mastercard® Cards
Your card has been removed from Google Pay - add it again and confirm it in Citibank Online within 3 days.
Remember, you can check the details for adding your card to Google Pay in Citi Mobile.
(Settings >Manage cards)
How to start?
Install. Take a picture. Confirm. Done.
Download Google Pay from the Google Play Store and install it on the smartphone that is NFC-enabled and has Android 4.4 Operating System or higher (to check whether your phone is enabled with NFC, go to your phone settings).

Enter manually your Citi Handlowy Mastercard debit or credit card details or just take a picture of your card. Then, activate your debit or credit card entering a one-time password sent to you via SMS.
Log in to Citibank Online or Citi Mobile, in Your Upcoming Activities section (bottom left corner after logging in) select the card and confirm that it has been added to Google Pay Wallet.
Now you can make contactless payments using your phone and card added to Google Pay. Just make sure your phone is awake and hold it to the terminal.
If you have more than one Citi Handlowy card (e.g. credit and debit cards) you can add all of them to Google Pay following the instructions in step 2 and 3. To set your Citi card as your default card in Google Pay, just drag it to the top of the screen.
How to pay?
The same card. The same places. It just gets simpler.
No need to juggle between your phone and wallet at checkout. With Google Pay you will pay everywhere where you normally use your plastic card to pay.
To make sure Google Pay is accepted, just look for these symbols at checkouts:

With Google Pay you don’t need to enter your card details every time you shop online. Whether it’s in apps or online, just click Buy with Google Pay.
Additional information
Additional information
Google Pay i Google Play are registered Google LLC trademarks. Mastercard is a registered trademark. Circles Design is Mastercard International Incorporated trademark. Source: https://www.nbp.pl/systemplatniczy/karty/q_01_2019.pdf
According to the List of Representative Services, Citibank Online means an electronic banking service.
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. The granting of a Credit Card depends on the customer's creditworthiness. The Credit Card Terms&Conditions and the Table of Fees and Commissions are available on the Bank's website in the documents tab. EIR is the Effective Interest Rate. Citi Handlowy and the Citi logo are registered trademarks of Citigroup Inc. group entities.
Representative example