The Aleksander Gieysztor Award has been awarded for the past 17 years for outstanding achievements aimed at protecting Poland's cultural heritage in the following fields: museum, conservation, archival, and library activities; preservationand protection of Polish cultural heritage abroad; local government projects designed to protect cultural heritage; individual and collective initiatives aimed at collectingand preserving remnants of cultural heritage; dissemination of knowledge about the need and methods for protecting cultural heritage in Poland. It is recognized as the most prestigious prize in this field. Both individuals and institutions can be laureates of this prestigious prize.
The goal of this initiative is to promote and support those who take action to protect Polish cultural heritage, both at home and abroad.
Nominations for the 18th edition of the Award can be submitted until October 21, 2016. The nominations must be made using an electronic form accessible at www.nagrodagieysztora.pl. Candidates for the Award can be nominated by members of the Award Committee, previous winners of the Award, and cultural institutions - state, local government, and non-governmental.