Economics is both our finances as well as the development of the whole economy. These are therefore fields we encounter in our everyday life. The aim of the Foundation's activities in this area is developing an aware, economically well-educated consumer, building a broad coalition of support for entrepreneurs at different stages of their companies' development, and institutional support for the culture of innovativeness in the Polish economy.
Therefore, the economic education includes conveying financial knowledge in an attractive form, shaping responsible attitudes while managing one's own money, as well as supporting entrepreneurial attitudes and offering tools which strengthen the potential of companies existing on the market. In each of these fields, the Foundation implements a series of activities while cooperating with social partners, implementing both pioneering, as well as well-established, long-term projects.
The activities of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation focus on the activity in the area of financial education, within which a particular emphasis is put on building competences in personal finance. The support for entrepreneurship by preparing young people to launch their own businesses and enhancing the potential of existing companies - this is our contribution to the development of the Polish economy. We pay particular attention to startups, with regard to their innovativeness.
We supplement our activities with competitions for micro-entrepreneurs, outstanding economists and Polish companies conquering international markets, as well as entities from emerging markets investing in Poland.
The Foundation implements its tasks also through a program of surveys, under which it investigates, inter alia, Poles' attitudes towards saving, or various aspects of activity of Polish companies abroad.