Over 350 students will visit Citi Handlowy as part of the Entrepreneurship Day to learn the principles of the banking industry. The deadline for submitting applications to the Entrepreneurship Day Program, organized for the fifth time by the Junior Achievement Foundation under the honorary patronage of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, was March 27, 2008.
The "Banks in Action - Entrepreneurship Day" project is part of the broader "Banks in Action" program, addressed to secondary school students andimplemented by The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation and the Junior AchievementFoundation. On April 3, secondary school students from all over Poland willbe able to find out what it is like to work in a bank. Citi Handlowy'semployees invited 350 teenagers to their workplace to show young people thespecifics of their work.
The aim of the program is to educate students on how commercial banksoperate. It is a kind of business management training program which helpsyoung people to develop such skills as strategic management, analyticalthinking, financial analysis and decision making. It also raises generalawareness of how the banking industry works.
The main element of the program is an English-version computer simulationcalled "Banks in Action," putting students at the controls of a commercialbank. During the simulation bank teams set interest rates for loans anddeposits to maintain a balance between expenses and revenues of theircompanies. The financial result of their bank is also affected by the levelof expenditures for marketing and research and development.